Treadmills are one of the workout equipment that can integrate cardiovascular workout into your exercise routine. This can be done by walking on it. You could also use this equipment to augment the size of your muscles. Some runners opt to use hand-held weights while walking on this gym fixture. By increasing your workload, you can sculpt and strengthen your muscle. However, you have to acquire quality equipment such as Horizon Fitness Paragon GT Folding.

Program your Treadmill
Start with a slow speed and after a few minutes you can increase your speed to medium. After this, you have to increase every three minutes until you reach your fastest pace. Maintain the speed for three more minutes. Then alter the speed every three minutes for fifteen minutes it should be from a slower pace to a faster pace. This technique will help your leg muscles.

Slow Speed
Go back to the slow pace. Carry a hand weight pair while walking on the treadmill. Bend your arms through bicep curls. With every step, Bend your elbows and lift the weights until it is near your shoulders. Do this ten to twenty times then go back to the first position, and walk for three more minutes. Repeat two to three more bicep-curl sets with three-minute strolls in between. As you become familiar to it, you can increase the weights gradually.

Increase Inclination
Every three minutes increase the inclination one level at a time. Carry these out until you reach the highest level. Once you reach this, decrease the incline by one level every three minutes. This will surely work on different leg muscles.

Normal Pace
Then walk on it at your normal pace for three minutes. Lessen the speed and walk on it with the use of the tips of your toes. Augment the speed on your normal phase for three more minutes. Lessen the speed but this time use your heels for one minute. Repeat this technique for ten times to define and strengthen your calve-muscles.

This is a sure way to sculpt your muscles. But always make sure that your treadmill is well-assembled to avoid accidents. Look for someone who can provide a treadmill assembly service and contact them right away.

It has been generally viewed that the less calories you consume, the more weight you will lose. In fact, if your caloric output is far more than your calorie intakes, then you will be losing weight fast. This is what most of us will think. But is the true? In reality, this is not. People who engage in dieting normally will not have permanent weight loss. Losing weight fast does not mean you have to diet. You need to have an effective program which combines exercise with the right diet. This is when a treadmill comes in very handy.

We all know that a safe, healthy rate of weight loss is one to two pounds per week. Modification of eating habits along with regular exercise is the most effective way to lose weight over the long term. It is also the ideal way to ensure that the weight stays off. You can have a treadmill at home to make sure that you can do exercise at any time of the day. This can be very useful for busy people who cannot find time to go to the gym.

The medical practitioners agree that the best way to reach a healthy weight is to follow a reasonable eating plan and engage in regular physical activity. You should be able to understand the kind of weight loss programs you get yourself into. You can start by choosing to have a treadmill at home. This will enable you to keep on burning your calories, even during wintertime. Furthermore, this is the best time to have a treadmill at home. It is the best time to burn all the excess fats that you gained over the holidays. So call the treadmill assembly professional now and let them be in charge of your treadmill assembly. They can surely assemble it in 30 minutes