Minds are clouded with a lot of misconception about losing weight and even some unhealthy habits that we do most of the time that we are unaware of. There’s no difference at all if you are either under or overweight. It exposes you to several health risks in which we would want to avoid.

Skipping breakfast.  A common cliche that many of us ignored - breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It gives you enough energy to start your day with. Low or non-fat dairy product poured on high-grade cereals topped with fruits - great combination to start your day with.

Chewing food quickly. We can be in a hurry most of the time especially when we are about to work. I’m guilty of it too. The greatest weakness is grabbing sweet, high-caloric, unhealthy food. Thus, we still feel hungry and makes us want some more.

Eating and watching TV done altogether. When we multitask while eating we won’t have any idea on what we have eaten already - same goes with eating in a hurry. Focus should be done when eating because you will not consume more but rather eat lesser.

When trying to lose weight and staying effective with it, the key is to exercise regularly. Having a treadmill allows you to do your exercise routine or interval training despite of any weather condition. Exercise at least 30 minutes, thrice a week. If you don’t have a treadmill at home yet, make sure to have one. Just To enjoy that you skip any possible dangers of home equipment by letting treadmill assembly services experts do the assembly for you.

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